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A5 Folded Booklets


Files in the following formats are available on this page:
.PDF - Adobe Acrobat  
.RTF - Rich Text Format  
.DOC - MS Word  
STAR - Star Office
Although some files were created using MS Word, the use of Star or Open Office is more common because of the ease with which this program will print booklets. More technical advice is available here

Star Office version 7 has been released by Sun  www.sun.com  but may not be free. Open Office is free, and will remain so from www.openoffice.org/  Open Office is basically the same program, but is missing some of the developed dictionary and database functions that Sun is not able to make available freely.  

Rich Text Format (RTF) is also included to be loaded into almost any Word processor. In these complex layouts it will sometimes fail.


The ADOBE ACROBAT files which end .pdf do not suffer these problems, but cannot easily be edited. The page order will be correct to print the booklet, so will look wrong when viewed on screen. An Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4 or later must be installed to read and print these PDF files. The reader is free from   Adobe


Ikon of Holy Michael the Archangel by Kallinikos    

Stavrovouni Monastery    Holy Cross Mountain in Cyprus



Remember: If you prefer, a right click will load the selected file into its own window.




Holy Communion - Order One A B C

A conservative presentation in the Series 3 – ASB Style with Collect for Purity, Summary of the Law and Prayer of Humble Access. Eucharistic Prayers A, B, and C printed in full.

        HCOrderOneABCinRTF   HCOrderOneABCinSTAR




Holy Communion - Order One Traditional English

This is the Series 1 – Series 2 service.

HC OrderOneTradPDF         HCOrderOneTradRTF        HCOrderOneTradSTAR




The Holy Eucharist - Order One 

The following series of files has a  less conservative and a less full development, without Collect for Purity or Humble Access



OS Open Structure - no Eucharistic Prayer printed in full.
This text works well with Options and Propers.
15 pages - 4 A4 sheets, but you must add a cover.

HolyEucharist OS PDF         HolyEucharist OS RTF         HolyEucharist OS STAR


B E As Open Structure but with Eucharistic Prayers B and E printed in full. 
For many this could serve as the standard text of Ordinary Time.
20 pages - 5 A4 sheets, but you must add a cover.

HolyEucharist BE PDF        HolyEucharist BE RTF      HolyEucharist BE STAR


F G A similar order with Eucharistic Prayers F and G.
G has classical ending " by whom, and in whom" to allow use with Eucharist cards.
20 pages - 5 A4 sheets, but you must add a cover.

HolyEucharist FG PDF         HolyEucharist FG RTF         HolyEucharist  FG  STAR


B E F G Another in the same style with four Eucharistic Prayers B E F and G
G has classical ending " by whom, and in whom" to allow use with Eucharist cards.
28 pages for an experienced congregation. 7 A4 sheets, but you must add a cover.
Note the variety of post communion congregational prayers.

HolyEucharistBEFGinPDF         HolyEucharistBEFGinRTF    HolyEucharistBEFGinSTAR





Remember: If you prefer, a right click will load the selected file into its own window.





Ikon from Kallinikos 
Stavrovouni Monastery
Holy Cross Mountain in Cyprus

The Holy Eucharist

The Midnight Mass of Christmas

A ready to use booklet and cover.

Midnight Mass PDF  

Midnight Mass RTF    

Midnight Mass Star6










Palm Sunday Eucharist

A full liturgy with Blessing of Palms, Procession, Passion printed in full for three readers and congregational part. The commended intercessions are included and all hymns.  A print-and-go solution with either St Luke's or St John's Passion.


Palm Sunday (Luke) Eucharist PDF

Palm Sunday (Luke) Eucharist RTF

Palm Sunday (Luke) Eucharist STAR


Palm Sunday (John) Eucharist PDF      

Palm Sunday (John) Eucharist RTF      

Palm Sunday (John) Eucharist STAR


Palm Sunday Cover WORD        

Palm Sunday Cover RTF






Passion Texts in Continuous and Dramatic Form

HTML Texts for all four Passions may be found here



Below are Acrobat files which will print booklets in dramatic form requiring a narrator and many voices and a chorus.


markdrama.pdf   matthewdrama.pdf


Here are Acrobat files which will print booklets in traditional liturgical form for three voices and an optional  chorus.


lukepassionbooklet.pdf   johnpassionbooklet.pdf


These PDF files above print the pages in the order required to assemble an A5 booklet.


Below are RTF Texts from the HTML They are not formatted to print booklets, but are suitable for inclusion in your own booklets. They are edited for three voices and a chorus.


lukepassion.rtf   johnpassion.rtf


Technical notes:


These files were generated by cut and paste from the web page into an MS Word  or Star Office Document. The data comes across as a Table which may be formatted and edited. The RTF files load into MS Word and Star Office reliably - a I cannot say how other programs may import them


The page is set to A5, but the table steals as much of the margins as practical. With care it should be possible to change the table properties.


These Passions are those included in the complete services for Palm Sunday above.


We thank Simon Kershaw for these texts. Please note the Copyright:


The New Revised Standard Version, copyright 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


In this version, a few pronouns have been changed to the corresponding proper nouns for clarity in a dramatic reading.

No other changes have been made to the text of the NRSV.


This arrangement copyright © Simon Kershaw 1999, 2003 simon@oremus.org may be freely used, provided the NRSV acknowledgment is left intact.







Good Friday - A simple service.

Not the full Liturgy, but conforming to the pattern of a Service of the Word. A booklet printing all the words needed including hymns. This would suit a church with limited resources or simple ambitions.

Simple Good Friday PDF     Good Friday RTF        Simple Good Friday STAR 6

Simple Good Friday Cover WORD          Simple Good Friday Cover RTF


Good Friday Liturgy

A straightforward development without communion. St John's Passion printed in full for three voices and chorus. Well know hymns included. Add a cover from selection below.

Good Friday Liturgy PDF   Good Friday Liturgy WORD   

Good Friday liturgy RTF     Good Friday Liturgy STAR


Good Friday Liturgy with Communion

A straightforward development with communion. St John's Passion printed in full for three voices and chorus. Well know hymns included. Add a cover from selection below.

Good Friday Communion PDF   Good Friday Communion Word

 Good Friday Communion RTF   Good Friday Communion STAR


Good Friday Covers

Adaptable covers in MS WORD format for use on Good Friday

Cover Good Friday One WORD    Cover Good Friday Two WORD

Cover Good Friday Three WORD   Cover Good Friday Four WORD


Good Friday with Stations

A 36 A5 page booklet (9 sheets of A4) with illustrated Stations of the Cross, A Common Worship Introduction and an order for the Proclamation/Veneration of the Cross from Common Worship/Lent, Holy Week, Easter. The word file shows pages in document order, the PDF automatically prints pages in booklet order.

 Good Friday Stations PDF  Good Friday Stations WORD   Good Friday Stations STAR


The Stations of the Cross

A stand alone service for use anytime. 

A 20 page booklet (5 sheets of A4) courtesy of John Hadjiannou.

Stations PDF   Stations WORD   Stations RTF

This single sheet of A4 gives a congregation enough information to follow the above service if some responses are omitted.

Stations Card PDF   Stations Card WORD

Stations Card RTF   Stations Card STAR


The Way of the Cross

The draft Times and Seasons Service of the Common Worship collection. It has 15 stations, not all of which correspond with the traditional ones. A 20 page booklet (5 sheets of A5)

CW Way of Cross PDF   CW Way of Cross WORD   

CW Way of Cross RTF   CW Way of Cross STAR


More Classical Texts

More texts for the Stations by Cardinal Newman and other may be found here


This site has many useful links


A web-search on "stations of the cross" will return many interesting resources..






Remember: If you prefer, a right click will load the selected file into its own window.



Communion Services

These Communion Services represent good practice in the Church of Scotland, 
Presbyterian, Free Church and Methodist Traditions


Communion Service - Church of Scotland Rite

From the Book of Common Order of The Church of Scotland (Third - Shorter Rite)

HC Scottish PDF         HC Scottish RTF         HC Scottish STAR


Communion Service - Methodist Rite

Methodist Worship Holy Communion in Ordinary Seasons (First Service)
with an extra Great Prayer of Thanksgiving from the order for home or hospital use.

HC Methodist PDF     HC Methodist RTF     HC Methodist STAR

Methodist Worship Holy Communion - an edited composite rite for all seasons use.

HC Edited Methodist PDF      HC Edited Methodist RTF      HC Edited Methodist STAR


Communion Service - United Board 

The United Reformed Church and the Baptist Union manage their Armed Forces Chaplains jointly, vesting ecclesiastical jurisdiction in a "United Board". This form is offered by a committee of Army Chaplains as one possible model for Eucharistic Worship.

HC United Board WORD         HC United Board RTF



Remember: If you prefer, a right click will load the selected file into its own window.




Supporting Resources for the Eucharistic Rites may be downloaded here



Suitable Prefaces


These texts were discovered in the English translation of the Altar Book of the Old Catholic Church in Germany, and have been edited to render their use of English more consistent with Common Worship. In most prefaces a customary English opening replaces the literal translation. A broad range of Anglicans will find these prefaces acceptable. 

SuitablePrefacesPDF         SuitablePrefacesRTF          SuitablePrefacesSTAR

Due acknowledgement is made to the diocese of origin. 
The full text of this book is at

Some may prefer the unedited prefaces.

OldCatholicPrefacesPDF         OldCatholicPrefacesRTF         OldCatholicPrefacesSTAR

These texts are not authorised, but may be judged suitable by the president. The Prefaces of Ordinary time in this collection will usefully augment the provisions of Common Worship. Mark Eary of Praxis has offered this opinion, which I quote from a posting on Christians on the internet. www.coin.org.uk



"When Promise of His Glory was being prepared the legal advice was that proper prefaces were not required to be authorised, and could be commended. On that basis, I was certainly taught that a president could make up or discover other suitable proper prefaces under Canon B5. It is this canon that covers the provision of commended texts - they are simply texts commended by the house of bishops as being, in their opinion, reverent and seemly and not contrary to the doctrine of the Church of England in any essential matter. It is this that also made the prefaces in Enriching the Christian Year (not even commended but pure private enterprise) usable.

I understand that legal (and, indeed, liturgical) opinion is not unanimous on this, and this may explain why the very permissive rubric in Prayer E was made safer by mentioning prefaces and giving page numbers without quite going as far as saying nothing else may be used. However, having historically treated prefaces as not needing authorisation, it is hard to retreat from this position. Hence, Times and Seasons will make the same assumption."





Extra Eucharistic Prayers and Prefaces - Methodist and Reformed


Texts from the Book of Common Order of the Church of Scotland, and The Methodist Worship Book (English) adapted for use in particular ecumenical situations. The texts will work with the open structure booklet "Holy Eucharist OS', or with the Eucharistic Cards that do not print a Eucharistic Prayer in full.
Anglicans may judge any of the prefaces as suitable for use in a Common Worship Eucharistic Prayer.
There are some very fine extended prefaces in this collection.


Extra Eucharistic  Prayers PDF     Extra Eucharistic Prayers RTF        Extra Eucharistic Prayer STAR





Ordinary Options and Seasonal Propers

The President's texts to support the other Common Worship cards and booklets. 
Pages of this document may be used with another booklet to construct an Altar Book 

OptionsAndPropersPDF                Other formats of this service Zipped in table at bottom of page.



Remember: If you prefer, a right click will load the selected file into its own window.



Interim Collects


These Collects have no official status. They are the work of an individual layman in response to the pastoral needs of a particular congregation. The official collects have been so poorly received that the General Synod of the Church of England has commissioned another set. These collects may serve in the meantime.


Ministers who judge  the official set of collects unsuitable in particular circumstances may also judge that Canon B5.1 allows them the freedom to make amendments or substitutions. These collects simplify the language of the official collects while attempting to retain the substance.


 Interim Collects PDF       Interim Collects RTF           Interim Collects STAR


These Collects may also be found at the Web Page  here




Regimental Collects and Occasional Prayers


Regt Collects and Prayers PDF        Regt Collects Prayers RTF        Regt Collects Prayers STAR



The text of the Regimental Collects may also be found as a Web Page here





Remember: If you prefer, a right click will load the selected file into its own window.



Thanksgiving for a Child - Public and Private

A booklet containing the service developed for a private (simple) celebration;
and for a public celebration at a principal Service of the Word, 
or at The Holy Eucharist.

ThanksChildPDF        ThanksChildRTF     ThanksChildSTAR


Thanksgiving for a Child - Separate Booklets

Shorter booklets for volume production may suit some. 
Versions follow with ether the Private OR the Public Form.
Limited or no additional texts, but only 12 or 16 pages rather than 28.

PriThanksChildPDF            PriThanksChildRTF                PriThanksChildSTAR

PublicThanksChildPDF        PublicThanksChildRTF           PublicThanksChildSTAR


Remember: If you prefer, a right click will load the selected file into its own window.


Holy Baptism 

All but one of these these booklets has an ending without the Eucharist, and one with.



Holy Baptism with Optional Eucharist

The full text (more or less) - Adult and Infant Forms.

BaptismOptionalEucharistPDF        BaptismOptionalEucharistRTF     BaptismOptionalEucharistSTAR



Infant Baptism with Optional Eucharist

A more manageable text, which will suit many occasions when no candidate can speak for themselves.
The Prayer over the water is the text set for Epiphany and Trinity-tide - the alternative ferial text.

InfantBaptismOptiEuchPDF              InfantBaptismOptiEuchRTF            InfantBaptismOptiEuchSTAR    


Infant Baptism with Optional Eucharist (Alternative )

An shorter text with alternative Decision and Confession of Faith.
Concluding Rites for Service without Eucharist conform to the general rules for A Service of the Word.

AltInfantBaptismOptiEuchPDF        AltInfantBaptismOptiEuchRTF   AltInfantBaptismOptiEuchSTAR



Infant Baptism

An even shorter text with alternative Decision and Confession of Faith.
Vestigial Service of the Word, and no provision for the Eucharist.
There is still one prayer yet that could be removed while observing all rubrics!

 Brief Baptism PDF               Brief Baptism RTF                   Brief Baptism STAR



The Baptism of Children is also available on a single A4 card here



Confirmation with the Holy Eucharist.

Confirmation Eucharist PDF   Confirmation Eucharist RTF   Confirmation Eucharist STAR



Remember: If you prefer, a right click will load the selected file into its own window.




Marriage Services

The full Common Worship Marriage Service and the Order for the blessing of a civil marriage with supporting readings and prayers.


 Marriage PDF                                Other formats of this service Zipped in table at bottom of page.



Abridged Marriage Service


With a hymn book, this booklet contains all that is needed for a conservative presentation of the Common Worship Marriage Service. The order complies with the expectations of many, and places the Liturgy of the Word after the Marriage.


Unless the Responsive Prayer inside the back cover is used, the congregation is not required to say anything but “Amen”. This booklet is primarily for the convenience of  the minister; but as  it remains small and easy to follow, it may be placed in the hands of congregations.


The main text is available as an RTF file (layout will be unpredictable), or in its native Star Office 6 form, or as a PDF file which prints the ready to use booklet pages in the correct order. The cover contains extra content on the inside, and is available in RTF or WORD format. The cover should be edited with the name of the church where the booklet will be used.


This form will be to the liking of those who found  the ASB rite very acceptable.


abridged marriage PDF   abridged marriage RTF  abridged marriage STAR6 


Necessary Cover


abridged marriage WORD        abridged marriage RTF





Remember: If you prefer, a right click will load the selected file into its own window.



Dedication and Blessing of Standards and Flags


This order of service is primarily for the Dedication of Veterans' Association Standards, but would serve for an Army Cadet Force Standard, or for the ceremonial flags of youth or other civilian organisations. The order is not to be used for the for the Consecration of Regimental Colours. 


DedicationOfStandardPDF          DedicationOfStandardRTF           DedicationOfStandardSTAR





Funeral, Memorial and Repatriation (of body) Services to follow

There is no substitute for the official book "Pastoral Services". 

This book contains many excellent Resources, and every Anglican Chaplain should have a copy. 

The new Field Service Book contains suitable texts which will in due course be made available in booklet form for church use.





Remember: If you prefer, a right click will load the selected file into its own window.



Booklet Covers


This template is for WORD97/2000, in Rich Text Format and  STAR OFFICE format will make a cover for any booklet for any Church. The Clipart is free from http://www.hlyspirit.org.uk/


GeneralCoverTemplateRTF      GeneralCoverTemplateSTAR      GeneralCoverTemplateWORD




N.B. For RAChD use only.


The following covers are for use only within The Royal Army Chaplains' Department, but may be used as templates by anyone. WORD97/2000 format only.


RAChDCovers1to6WORD          RAChDCovers7to12WORD             RAChDCoverTemplateWORD



Further Instructions on Covers


Change the clipart and the name of the church or institution. The black block on the fold of the cover is a means of identifying an odd book in a stack if the covers have the same colour. The RAChD booklets have these black blocks set. When one block no longer servers as identifier use two or more - its a bar code! For local church use devise a scheme. To set a block to black, double click on a blue rectangle, and use the dialogue box that appears to choose "fill" and "fill colour". Double click on the other blue rectangles, and delete them. If the scheme does not appeal, delete all the boxes and resave the template.



Booklet Covers without indexing "bar code"


RAChD Cover Template no barcode WORD 


General Cover Template No Barcode WORD

General Cover Template No Barcode RTF


This file will help generate a customised inside front and rear cover for any booklet.


Cover Inside Pages Template WORD   Cover Inside Template RTF




Remember: If you prefer, a right click will load the selected file into its own window.




1. A borrowed style in Gill Sans

Holy Communion Order Order One with EPs ABC and H.  
Uses Gill Sans with open line spacing. 
Takes 36 pages where HCOrderOneABC is 24 pages.

HCGillSansPDF                     HCGillSansRTF                    HCGillSansSTAR 


2. From the Chelmsford Diocesan Collection:

These are not large booklets, but they do contain graphics, and will therefore take up to a minute to download.


HCinEastertideChelmsford PDF 

A more spacious layout than my formal style, and very pleasing.

For the MS Word source see http://www.chelmsford.anglican.org/liturgy/index.html


3. Christchurch Eastbourne

These booklets are extremely well designed, and are very attractive.
They would suit Anglo Catholic Parishes, but everyone should look at the style.
There are copyright restrictions on the art work, so I only link to the site:







4. St Mary, Nunthorpe in Cleveland

Nunthorpe Ordinary Eucharist PDF  

Nunthorpe Morning Worship PDF   

These Acrobat documents are edited versions of the source documents below 


Ordinary Time Eucharist RTF

Advent Eucharist RTF

Christmas-Epiphany Eucharist RTF

Lent Eucharist RTF

Good Friday Liturgy DOC

Eastertide Eucharist RTF

Kingdom Season Eucharist RTF

Morning Worship (All Seasons) DOC 

Confrmation Insert DOC




Hermanoleon Clipart

The images on this page are free for download from.


With many thanks to the Franciscans.


Remember: If you prefer, a right click will load the selected file into its own window.


These files are compressed with WINZIP. For a copy of WINZIP try www.zdnet.com - or more precisely here

Word Documents. RTF Format Star Office Documents
HC Order One A B C  HC Order One A B C  HC Order One A B C 
HC Order One Trad  HC Order One Trad HC Order One Trad 


Marriage Marriage

Ordinary Options and Propers

Ordinary Options and Propers Ordinary Options and Propers

sample funeral

sample funeral sample funeral




Copyright restrictions require a cover be added to these texts with the name of your Church or Institution included. 
Read the Liturgical Copyright Guide and see  http://cofe.anglican.org/commonworship/

A5 Folded Booklets

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