from The Eucharist, October 1997      GS1211A: Not authorized for liturgical use
title page
Rite 1: Outline Order | Notes | RITE 1 | Traditional Language | Supplementary Texts | Seasonal Provisions
Rite 2: Outline Order | Notes | RITE 2 | Appendix | Contemporary Language
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It is appropriate for the people to kneel for the opening prayer and commandments, the prayers of intercession, the confession, absolution and comfortable words, the prayer of consecration and prayers after the distribution.


The Sermon

At the discretion of the priest, the sermon may precede the Creed.


The Prayers of Intercession

The third form of intercession in the Supplementary Texts (page 58) may be used in place of the form printed.


Alternative Order

Where customary, the prayer of humble access may precede 'Lift up your hearts'; 'Amen' may be omitted at the end of the prayer of consecration, and the prayer of oblation follow immediately; the Lord's Prayer may follow the prayer of oblation; the versicle 'The Peace of the Lord be always with you' with the response 'And with thy spirit' may follow the Lord's Prayer and precede Agnus Dei. Where this order is followed, the breaking of the bread may be deferred until Agnus Dei.


Gloria in Excelsis

If the Gloria in Excelsis is not to be used on every occasion, it is appropriately omitted on Sundays in Advent and Lent and on all weekdays that are not principal holy days or festivals.

from The Eucharist, October 1997      GS1211A: Not authorized for liturgical use
title page
Rite 1: Outline Order | Notes | RITE 1 | Traditional Language | Supplementary Texts | Seasonal Provisions
Rite 2: Outline Order | Notes | RITE 2 | Appendix | Contemporary Language
back to An Anglican Liturgical Library