from The Eucharist, October 1997      GS1211A: Not authorized for liturgical use
title page
Rite 1: Outline Order | Notes | RITE 1 | Traditional Language | Supplementary Texts | Seasonal Provisions
Rite 2: Outline Order | Notes | RITE 2 | Appendix | Contemporary Language
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Careful devotional preparation before the service is recommended for every communicant.



The Eucharist is celebrated by the whole congregation gathered for worship. The ministry of lay people is expressed through their active participation together in the words and actions of the service, but also by members of the congregation reading the scripture passages, leading the prayers of intercession and, after authorisation, assisting with the distribution of Holy Communion.

In some traditions the ministry of the deacon in the Holy Communion has included some of the following elements: the bringing in of the book of the gospels, the invitation to confession, the reading of the gospel, a part in the prayers of intercession, the preparation of the table and gifts, a part in the distribution, the ablutions, and the dismissal.

The deacon's liturgical ministry provides an appropriate model for the ministry of an assistant priest, a Reader, or another episcopally authorised minister in the eucharist.

The unity of the liturgy is served by the ministry of the president, who in presiding over the whole service holds word and sacrament together and draws the congregation into a worshipping community.

The president at the Eucharist (who, in accordance with the provisions of Canon B12 'Of the Ministry of the Holy Communion', must have been episcopally ordained priest), expresses this ministry by saying the opening greeting, the absolution, the collect, the peace and the blessing. The president must say the eucharistic prayer, break the consecrated bread and receive the sacrament on every occasion.

When necessary, a deacon or lay person may preside over the Preparation and the Liturgy of the Word.

When the bishop is present, he presides over the whole service.



Local custom may be followed and developed in relation to posture. The people should stand for the reading of the gospel, for the creed, for the peace and for the dismissal. Any changes in posture during the Eucharistic Prayer should not detract from the unity of that prayer. It is appropriate that, on occasions, the congregation should kneel for prayers of penitence.


Traditional Texts

In addition to where they are printed in the service, traditional versions of texts may be used.


Hymns, Psalms, Canticles, The Collection and Presentation of the Offerings of the People, and the Preparation of the Gifts of Bread and Wine

Points are indicated for these, but they may occur elsewhere.



Sentences of scripture, appropriate to the season and to the place in the service, may be used as part of the president's greeting, in the invitation to confession, as an acclamation before the gospel (with alleluias except in Lent), at the peace, before the gifts of the people are collected and after the distribution.



At the entry of the ministers, a Bible or Book of the Gospels may be carried into the assembly.



In addition to the points where greetings are provided, at other suitable points (e.g. before the gospel and before the blessing or dismissal) the greeting 'The Lord be with you' with its response 'And also with you' or 'And with thy spirit' may be used.



Silence is particularly appropriate within the prayers of penitence and of intercession, before the collect, in response to the reading of the scriptures, after the eucharistic prayer and after the distribution.



Banns of marriage and other notices may be published before the preparation (if possible by a minister other than the president), before the prayers of intercession or before the dismissal.


The Prayers of Penitence

This section may be transposed to a later point in the service as a response to the Liturgy of the Word. In the special seasonal rites for certain days, it is better at the later point.

On certain occasions, for a special service, it may precede the opening hymn and greeting.

The invitation to confession may take the form of the summary of the law, the commandments, the beatitudes or the comfortable words.

When the Kyrie Eleison is used as a confession, short penitential sentences may be inserted between the petitions, suitable for seasons or themes. This form of confession should not be the norm on Sundays.

Authorised alternative forms of confession and absolution may be used in place of those in the main text.


Gloria in Excelsis

This canticle may be omitted during Advent and Lent, and on weekdays which are not principal holy days or festivals.


The Readings

The readings at the eucharist are governed by authorized lectionary provision, and are not a matter for local decision except where that provision permits.

Whenever possible, all three readings are used at the eucharist on Sundays. When only two are read, the minister should ensure that, in any year, a balance is maintained between readings from the Old and New Testament in the choice of first reading. The psalm provided relates to the first reading in the lectionary. Where possible it should be used after that reading.

When announcing the gospel, if it is desired to give book, chapter and verse or page number, the reader may do this informally before saying 'Hear the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to N.'


The Sermon

The sermon is an integral part of the Liturgy of the Word. A sermon should normally be preached at all celebrations on Sundays and principal holy days.

As provided in Canon B18 the sermon shall be preached by a duly authorized minister, deaconess, Reader or lay worker.

The sermon may on occasion include less formal exposition of scripture, the use of drama, interviews, discussion and audio-visual aids.


The Creed

The creed may be preceded by the president saying 'Let us declare our faith in God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit'.


The Prayers of Intercession

Intercession frequently arises out of thanksgiving; nevertheless these prayers are primarily prayers of intercession. They are normally broadly based, expressing a concern for the whole of God's world and the ministry of the whole Church.

Several forms of intercession are provided; other suitable forms may be used. They need not always conform to the sequence indicated.

Prayer for the nation is properly focused by prayer for the Sovereign by name, and prayer for the Church by prayer for the Bishop of the diocese by name.

The supplementary texts provide a number of collects and other endings to conclude intercession. In some circumstances it may be appropriate for the president to say both the opening invitation and these concluding words.


The Peace

The Peace follows naturally from the prayers of Intercession, and begins the Liturgy of the Sacrament. But this section may be transposed to be the opening greeting or may be used later in the service, as part of either the breaking of bread or the Dismissal. Introductions can be found in the supplementary texts.


The Taking

In the Eucharist, the Church, following the example of the Lord, takes, gives thanks, breaks and gives. the bread and wine must be taken into the president's hands and replaced on the table either after the table has been prepared or during the eucharistic prayer.


The Eucharistic Prayer

[Text of the Note to follow]


The Lord's Prayer

[Text of the Note to follow]


Breaking of Bread

Sufficient bread for the whole congregation to share may be broken by the president, if necessary assisted by other ministers, at this point in the service. Agnus Dei may accompany this action.

The words provided at the Breaking of Bread must be used on Sundays and principal holy days. On other days the bread may be broken in silence or during Agnus Dei.



At the distribution any of those distributing the sacrament, ordained or lay, may pray for any non-communicants who come forward in these or other suitable words 'May God be with you' or 'May God bless you'.


Non-Anglican Communicants

Baptized persons who are communicant members of other Churches which subscribe to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and are in good standing in their own Church may be admitted to the Holy Communion in accordance with Canon B15(a)


Prayers after Communion

One or two prayers may be used after Communion. If two are used, the first is normally a presidential text, the second a congregational text. If only one is used, either a presidential or congregational text is chosen.

The presidential text is normally the provision from Calendar, Lectionary, Collects. The congregational text is either one of those printed either in the main text or one of those in the supplementary texts.


A Service without Holy Communion

When there is no communion, the minister leads the service as far as the prayers of Intercession or the peace, and then adds the Lord's Prayer, the general thanksgiving, and/or other prayers, ending with the Grace.

from The Eucharist, October 1997      GS1211A: Not authorized for liturgical use
title page
Rite 1: Outline Order | Notes | RITE 1 | Traditional Language | Supplementary Texts | Seasonal Provisions
Rite 2: Outline Order | Notes | RITE 2 | Appendix | Contemporary Language
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