The Christingle Service is a relatively recent development in Britain of the Moravian custom of distributing lighted candles to children on Christmas Eve. In the Moravian Church the candles are usually surrounded by a white ruff of paper strips.

In Britain the distribution of candles has been replaced by the distribution of Christingles. A Christingle 'consists of an orange, in the top of which a small hole has been bored. A cleansed goose quill, from which the feathered portion has been removed, is wrapped in a white paper frill and inserted in the hole. The protruding end of the quill is cut into half a dozen sharp "points", to which are affixed blanched almonds, raisins and small jellied sweets of different colours. A small Christmas tree candle is pushed down into the heart of the goose quill to complete the Christingle' (J H Foy). In addition, many Christingles have a length of red ribbon tied around the circumference of the orange, and nowadays cocktail sticks usually replace the goose quill.

The origin and derivation of the Christingle is uncertain. The word 'Christingle' means 'Christ-Light'. The orange is said to represent the world, the candle Christ as the light of the world, the white frill purity, and the nuts, raisins, and sweets the fruits of the earth, God's good gifts to his children. The red ribbon is a reminder of the incarnation and passion of Jesus, in which all Christians share.

In the light of their association in the Moravian Church with Christmas Eve, Christingle services have normally been celebrated in Britain during the period between Advent and Epiphany. The image of Christ as our light is predominant in the celebration, suggesting the revelation of God, judgement, glory, and Christian witness as appropriate themes for the service. Yet Jesus does not describe himself simply as 'the light' but as 'the light of the world'. For this reason, the needs of the world are also at the forefront of Christingle celebrations, in prayer and in the offering of gifts for the needy.

It was The Children's Society who, in 1968, popularized the Christingle service, and many are now held in support of its work. The present service does not preclude this association, but encourages a flexible treatment of its rich traditional imagery.


  1. The minister greets the people using these or other appropriate words.

    Christ has brought us out of darkness:
    to live in his marvellous light.

  2. There follows an INTRODUCTION or BIDDING.
    The BIDDING may take this form.

    Brothers and sisters in Christ, welcome to ... today. We have come together in the presence of God our Father to rejoice in the gift of Jesus to us as the light of the world. In this service we hear and receive the story and message of the coming of Christ, and we offer to God our thanksgiving in prayer and song.

    The Christingle speaks of the world in which we live, and we pray today

    for all Christians, that we may be mirrors of the light of Christ in the world;
    for those who do not know the light of Christ in their lives;
    for those who bear responsibility in our world for government, education, commerce, and communication;
    for all children and for young people who lack the basic necessities of food, shelter, and clothing;
    for those who are in special need, the sick and anxious, the lonely and fearful, and for those who are bereaved.

    We commend all whom we love, or who have asked for our prayers, to the unfailing love of God, and say together, as Christ taught us

    Our Father in heaven, or Our Father, who art in heaven,
    hallowed be your name, hallowed be thy name;
    your kingdom come, thy kingdom come;
    your will be done, thy will be done;
    on earth as in heaven. on earth as it is in heaven.
    Give us today our daily bread. Give us this day our daily bread.
    Forgive us our sins And forgive us our trespasses,
    as we forgive those as we forgive those
    who sin against us. who trespass against us.
    Lead us not into temptation And lead us not into temptation;
    but deliver us from evil. but deliver us from evil.

    For the kingdom, the power, For thine is the kingdom,
    and the glory are yours the power, and the glory,
    now and for
    ever. Amen. for ever and ever. Amen.

    May God our Father grant us the light of Christ, that we may shine with his love, be prompt to serve, and ever eager to follow in his steps, who is the true light and source of life. Amen.

  3. A SONG, CAROL, or HYMN may be sung. Suitable Christingle and seasonal hymns of light are listed in the Appendix to this service (p.162) .


    This act of thanksgiving may be used when the distribution of the Christingles (or candles) is to take place at section 11. Section 4 should normally be omitted if the distribution of Christingles (or candles) takes place at section 6.

    One prominently placed Christingle may be lit. Alternatively, during Advent, the candles of an Advent wreath may be lit; during Christmastide or Epiphany, another candle may be lit.

  4. An act of THANKSGIVlNG may be made, all standing, in one of these forms, or in other suitable words.

    1. Gracious God, we give you thanks and praise for Jesus Christ our Lord:
      for he was the word before all creation.
      Through him all things come to be,
      not one thing has its being but through him.

      Jesus, light of the world,
      we worship and adore you.

      His life is the light that shines in the dark,
      a light that darkness cannot overpower.

      Jesus, light of the world,
      we worship and adore you.

      The Word was the true light coming into the world.
      He was in the world
      that had its being through him,
      and the world did not know him.

      Jesus, light of the world,
      we worship and adore you.

      He came to his own, and they did not accept him.
      But to all who accept him
      he gives power to become children of God.

      Jesus, light of the world,
      we worship and adore you.

      The Word was made flesh and lived among us,
      and we have seen his glory,
      as the only Son of the Father,
      full of grace and truth.

      Jesus, light of the world,
      we worship and adore you.

      To God our creator,
      born as one of us,
      be all praise and glory.
      With all the company of heaven, we worship, saying:

      Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty,
      who was, and is, and is to come;
      to him be glory and honour for ever and ever. Amen.

    2. Glory to Christ, Son of Mary;
      born a child,
      you share our humanity:
      Glory to God in the highest.

      Glory to Christ, Son of David;
      born to rule,
      you receive gifts from the wise:
      Glory to God in the highest.

      Glory to Christ, Son of Man;
      born our Saviour,
      you are the light of the world:
      Glory to God in the highest.

      We celebrate the coming of our God
      with all the voices of heaven:

      Holy, holy, holy Lord,
      God of power and might,
      Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
      Hosanna in the highest.

      Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
      Hosanna in the highest.

  5. A SONG, CAROL, or HYMN may be sung.

  6. THE LIGHTING AND PRESENTATION OF THE CHRISTINGLES, or of CANDLES, may take place here or at section 11. The text is printed at section 11. After the distribution a SONG, CAROL, or HYMN may be sung, and the minister and people may process within or around the church.


  7. One or more READINGS follow. Suggested readings are listed in the Appendix to this service. These may be interspersed with one or more SONGS, CAROLS, or HYMNS.

    At the beginning or end of each reading the reader may say

    God's word is a lantern to our feet:
    and a light to our path.


  9. A SONG, CAROL, or HYMN iS sung, during which Christingle gifts
    and offerings of money may be collected and presented. Offerings may be presented by groups and by individuals.

    These words may be used.

    Blessed are you, Lord our God, King of the universe!
    From your hands we receive these gifts of your creation.
    Bless us who bless your holy name,
    and grant that we may be used
    in the service of your kingdom.


  10. Prayers are said for the Church, the world, and for those in special need. The prayers may take any suitable form, and may include the response.

    We pray to the Father
    in Christ our Lord.

    and end with

    Lord of the Church,
    hear our prayer,
    and make us one in heart and mind
    to serve you in Christ our Lord. Amen.

    For an alternative form of prayer see the Appendix to this service.

    If it has not been said earlier in the service, THE LORD'S PRAYER may follow.

    As Christ has taught us, so we pray

    Our Father in heaven, or Our Fa~her, who art in heaven,
    hallowed be your name, hallowed be thy name;
    your kingdom come, thy kingdom come;
    your will be done, thy will be done;
    on earth as in heaven. on earth as it is in heaven.
    Give us today our daily bread. Give us this day our daily bread.
    Forgive us our sins And forgive us our trespasses,
    as we forgive those as we forgive those
    who sin against us. who trespass against us.
    Lead us not into temptation And lead us not into temptation;
    but deliver us from evil. but deliver us from evil.

    For the kingdom, the power, For thine is the kingdom,
    and the glory are yours the power, and the glory,
    now and for ever. Amen. for ever and ever. Amen.


  11. The Christingles tor candles) are lit and are presented to members of the congregation, if this has not already taken place at section 6.

  12. Before or after the distribution, THIS COLLECT may be said by the minister.

    Father of lights,
    from whom comes every good and perfect gift:
    keep us in the light of Christ,
    to shine in your world,
    that all may believe in you
    through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

  13. During the distribution of the Christingles tor candles) A SONG, CAROL, or HYMN may be sung, and/or the following ACCLAMATIONS may be used.

    By the shedding of Christ's blood we are redeemed:
    Praise to Christ our Saviour!

    In Christ's death is our life:
    Praise to Christ our Saviour!


  14. THE BLESSING may be given.

    Christ the Sun of Righteousness shine upon you
    and make you ready to meet him when he comes in glory;
    and the blessing of God almighty,
    the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
    be upon you and remain with you always. Amen.


    God shines in your hearts:
    Praise to Christ our light!

    Christ is the light of the world!
    Praise to Christ our light!

    Go, in the power of the Spirit, to bring light to others:
    Praise to Christ our light!

  16. A SONG, CAROL, or HYMN may be sung, and the minister and people process out of the church.


  1. HYMNS


    Tune: Falling Fifths 7775 775 by Noel Tredinnick

    God whose love is everywhere
    made our earth and all things fair,
    ever keeps them in his care:
    praise the God of love!
    He who hung the stars in space
    holds the spinning world in place;
    praise the God of love!

    Come with thankful songs to sing
    of the gifts the seasons bring,
    summer, winter, autumn, spring;
    praise the God of love!
    He who gives us breath and birth
    gives us all the fruitful earth;
    praise the God of love!

    Mark what love the Lord displayed,
    all our sins upon him laid,
    by his blood our ransom paid;
    praise the God of love!
    Circled by that scarlet band
    all the world is in his hand;
    praise the God of love!

    See the sign of love appear,
    flame of glory, bright and clear,
    light for all the world is here;
    praise the God of love!
    Gloom and darkness, get you gone!
    Christ the Light of life has shone;
    praise the God of love!

    © Timothy Dudley-Smith 1988. USA © Hope Publishing Company

    Suitable hymns of light include:

    All the earth was dark MP2 288
    Come let us worship vv.1,4,5 MP2 329
    Lord, make me a mountain MP2 483
    O gladsome light, O grace NEH 247
    Hail, gladdening iight AMNS 58
    O Christ, who art the light and day NEH 61
    O Lord, you are my light MP2 513
    Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart NEH 339, AMNS 343
    The Spirit lives to set us free MP2 588

    In Advent
    Creator of the stars of night NEH 1. AMNS 23
    Lord, the light of your love is shining Make Way 6
    O come thou dayspring bright NEH 11
    O splendour of God's glory bright EH 52
    Christ, whose glory fills the skies NEH 234, AMNS 4

    At Christmas
    God of God, light of light NEH 30, AMNS 34
    Come thou redeemer of the earth NEH 19
    O Trinity of blessed light NEH 54
    The light of Christ Fresh Sounds 98
    The race that long in darkness pined NEH 57, AMNS 52
    Brightest and best of the sons of the NEH 49, AMNS 47

    EH English Hymnal AMNS Hymns Ancient and Modern
    New Standard
    NEH New English Hymnal MP2 Mission Praise2


    Suitable readings include:

    Advent General
    Isaiah 51. 4-6 (or 4-11) Psalm 139.1-2, 7-12 (or 1-12)
    Isaiah 60. 1-3; 17-20 Matthew 5. 14-16
    Romans 13. 11-14 (or 8-14) Luke 11. 33-36

    Christmastide John 3. 16-21
    John 8. 12 (or 12-20)
    Isaiah 9. 2i6-7 Ephesians 5. 8-14 (or 6-14)
    Luke . - Colossians 1. 11-14 (or 9-14)
    John 1. 1-5
    John 1. 9-14 (or 6-14) I Peter 2. 9- 10 (or 4- 10)

    Epiphany 1 John 1. 5-7 (or 5-10)
    Isaiah 60. 1-3; 17-20 1 John 4. 7-12 (or 7-19)
    Acts 13. 44-49 l John 4. 13-19 (or 7-19)
    2 Corinthians 4.5-6 (or 2-6)
    Revelation 21. 22-26
    Revelation 22. 1-5


    The following LITANY may be used for the Prayers.

    In faith we pray:
    We pray to you, our God.


    For all people in their daily life and work:
    For our families, friends and neighbours, and for all those who are alone.
    For the just and responsible use of your creation:
    For the victims of hunger, fear and injustice.
    For those in danger, sorrow, or any kind of trouble:
    For those who minister to the sick, the lonely, and the needy.
    For the peace and unity of the Church of God:
    For our own needs and for the needs of others.

    Silence. The minister or people may add their own requests.

    In faith we pray,
    We pray to you, our God.
    We thank you, Lord, for the blessings of this life.

    Silence. The minister or people may add their own thanksgivings.

    We give you thanks:
    And praise your holy name.

    God our Saviour,
    you know us and love us
    and hear our prayer:
    keep us in the eternal fellowship
    of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

    When the Christingle Service includes the giving of gifts for the work of The Children's Society, prayers for the work of the Society are appropriate.


    O Lord Jesus Christ, who said to your disciples, 'You are the light of the world': grant that The Children's Society may bring light, hope and happiness to children, young people, and families who face particular darkness or need; help all staff members and volunteers to be inspired by your understanding and strengthened by your grace, that the care they give may be both a special support and a sign of your kingdom, where you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God now and for ever. Amen. 26