Head Office: 11-13 Clifton Terrace, Finsbury Park, London, N4 3SR
Charity number: 289868
Patron: Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal
The service is comprehensive and may be used on its own or may be adapted for inclusion in other services. The format follows that of a standard Anglican service and suggestions for prayers, readings and hymns are included, together with supporting information about Sense and deafblindness.
We hope that you will find the service useful and of interest and will be able to support Sense by remembering us in your prayers.
Families of deafblind children that came together over 40 years ago were the start of a charity that now, not only strives to increase understanding of disabilities, but also provides both practical help and comforting support for families of deafblind people. By providing this church service, Sense aims to heighten peoples' awareness of disabilities, particularly vision and hearing loss.
There are more than 23,000 deafblind people in the UK. Sense is doing all that it can with limited resources to ensure that deafblind people and their families have assistance from the early years through to old age.
Sense is seeking to fund the time and resources used in assisting families with deafblind children through the early years. We therefore implore churches that decide to use the service to consider making a donation to Sense or to hold a collection or fundraising event to help us fund this work.
We would be interested to hear any thoughts you may have about the service and any comments received from your congregation.
If you have any comments, are able to make a donation, or would like to receive further information about Sense, please contact:
Alison Holland
Sense, The National Deafblind and Rubella Association
The Princess Royal Centre 4 Church Road, Edgbaston,
Tel : (0121) 687 1564 Fax: (0121) 687 1656
We have come together today as the family of God in our Father's presence to celebrate the work of Sense and the lives of people who are deafblind.
We have come together to offer our Father praise and thanksgiving,
A sentence of scripture may be said
I have come that people might have life and have it in abundance
This is my commandment that you love one another as I have loved you
A hymn may be sung
The leader may say
Let us confess our sins to God
The leader may say
Leader O Lord, open our hearts
All and grant us a greater understanding of your will in our lives
Leader O Lord, open our hearts
All to love others as you love us
Leader O Lord, open our hearts
All to understand the needs and strengths of those who are deafblind
Sit The first reading
John 16 vv 25-33
At the end the reader may say
This is the word of the Lord
All Thanks be to God
Silence may be kept
A hymn may be sung
The second reading
Mark 12 vv 28-34
At the end the reader may say
This is the word of the Lord
All Thanks be to God
Silence may be kept
A talk on the work of Sense may be given here or at the end of the service (see enclosed information and "Thought for the Day")
A hymn may be sung during which a collection should be taken to support Sense in its work with deafblind people
The collection is presented
The leader may say
Prayers and intercessions
(Young people in the congregation could be encouraged to write a prayer for people who are deafblind)
The following prayer may be included
A hymn may be sung
CHORUSES - from Songs of Fellowship, published by Kingsway Music
My thoughts go to Helen Keller, a truly remarkable woman, who was both deaf and blind and achieved so much.
In this country more than 23,000 people are both deaf and blind. Official statistics suggest that up to half a million people have both a visual and hearing impairment.
When you consider that 95% of what we learn comes to us through our hearing and sight, you cannot help but think about the enormous challenges faced by those who are deafblind. However we all too easily focus on the disability rather than the ability.
Sense, The National Deafblind and Rubella Association works and supports deafblind people in a range of projects and initiatives throughout the UK. Their work helps people who are deaf and blind gain greater independence and enhances their quality of life. Sense recognises the disability but focuses on the ability of each individual.
Helen Keller acquired deafblindness when she was only 6 months old and had little opportunity to practice the art of communication as we know it. Helen's life thereafter is a testament to her abilities. Encouraged by a teacher who valued her, Helen was an inspiration to all. She is remembered for what she did achieve rather that what she was unable to achieve. At the age of 19 she passed the entrance examination to Radcliffe and graduated 4 years later. In amongst her packed life she had her work published and received a degree from Harvard.
Focusing on ability rather than disability is so often dismissed as political correctness and the latest fad of the voluntary sector. Yet it is so much more than this. At the very heart of Christianity is God's desire for us to accept our freedom to be ourselves. Christ chose the most unlikely group of people to be his disciples. He did not for one moment think about what they would be unable to achieve, instead he focused completely on what could be achieved. Christ's ability to see the potential in people is so well illustrated in Simon the fisherman being picked out and renamed by Christ "the rock upon which I shall build my Church".
People who are deafblind are people first. As it is with all people such as you and I, they neither require nor desire pity. Rather they seek understanding and value, and whoever or whatever denies an individual understanding and value becomes that individual's greatest disability.
I will remember how easy that teacher found it to devalue the pupil and challenge us all to value
every member of society as the unique individual they are.
For more information on SENSE see their website at http://www.sense.org.uk