1. Preparation Careful devotional preparation before the service begins is recommended for every communicant.

  2. The President The president (who, in accordance with the provisions of Canon B12 `Of the ministry of the Holy Communion', must have been episcopally ordained priest) presides over the whole service. He says the opening Greeting, the Collect, the Absolution, the Peace, and the Blessing; he himself must take the bread and the cup before replacing them on the holy table, say the Eucharistic Prayer, break the consecrated bread, and receive the sacrament on every occasion. The remaining parts of the service he may delegate to others. When necessity dictates, a deacon or lay person may preside over the Ministry of the Word.

    When the Bishop is present, it is appropriate that he should act as president. He may also delegate sections 32--49 to a priest.

  3. Posture When a certain posture is particularly appropriate, it is indicated in the margin. For the rest of the service local custom may be established and followed. The Eucharistic Prayer (sections 38, 39, 40, and 41) is a single prayer, the unity of which may be obscured by changes of posture in the course of it.

  4. Seasonal Material The seasonal sentences and blessings are optional. Any other appropriate scriptural sentences may be read at sections 1 and 50 at the discretion of the president and `Alleluia' may be added to any sentence from Easter Day until Pentecost.

  5. Greetings (section 2 etc.) In addition to the points where greetings are provided, at other suitable points (e.g. before the Gospel and before the Blessing and Dismissal) the minister may say `The Lord be with you' and the congregation may reply `and also with you'.

  6. Prayers of Penitence These are used either after section 4 or after section 23 (but see Note 22 below for occasions when the Order following the pattern of the Book of Common Prayer is used).

  7. Kyrie eleison (section 9) This may be used in English or Greek. Alternative versions are set out in section 79.

  8. Gloria in excelsis (sections 10 and 73) This canticle may be appropriately omitted during Advent and Lent, and on weekdays which are not Principal or Greater Holy Days. It may also be used at sections 1 and 16.

  9. The Collect (section 11) The Collect may be introduced by the words `Let us pray' and a brief bidding, after which silence may be kept.

  10. Readings Where one of the three readings is to be omitted, provision for this is found in Table 3 of the Alternative calendar and Lectionary according to the season of the year.

  11. The Gospel in Holy Week (section 17) From Palm Sunday to the Wednesday in Holy Week, and on Good Friday, the Passion Gospel may be introduced: `The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to N', and concluded: `This is the Passion of the Lord'. No responses are used.

  12. The Sermon (section 18) The sermon is an integral part of the Ministry of the Word. A sermon should normally be preached at all celebrations on Sundays and other Holy Days.

  13. Proper Prefaces The Proper Prefaces are set out in section 76. They are obligatory when this is indicated in the seasonal propers but may be used on other suitable occasions. The Sunday Prefaces (31), (32), and (33) are for use with the Fourth Eucharistic Prayer and the Order following the pattern of the Book of Common Prayer.

  14. Second Eucharistic Prayer (section 39) The three paragraphs beginning `For he is your living Word' and ending `a people for your own possession' may be omitted if a Proper Preface is used.

  15. Acclamations These are optional. They may be introduced by the president with the words `Let us proclaim the mystery of faith' or with other suitable words or they may be used without introduction.

  16. Manual Acts In addition to the taking of the bread and cup at section 36 the president may use traditional manual acts during the Eucharistic Prayers.

  17. Words of Invitation (section 45) The words provided are to be used at least on Sundays and other Holy Days, and those in section 85 may be added. On other days those in section 85 may be substituted.

  18. The Blessing (section 54) In addition to the blessings provided here and in section 77 the president may at his discretion use others.

  19. Notices Banns of marriage and other notices may be published after section 2, section 19, or section 53.

  20. Hymns, Canticles, the Peace, the Collection and Presentation of the offerings of the People, and the Preparation of the Gifts of bread and Wine Points are indicated for these, but if occasion requires they may occur elsewhere.

  21. Silence After sections 6, 13, 15, 17, 18, 26, before sections 42 and 51, and after the biddings in section 21, silence may be kept.

  22. The Order following the pattern of the Book of Common Prayer (sections 22 and 57--75) When this Order is being followed the Prayers of Penitence should not be used at section 4, as they are requisite at section 59. The Order provided should then be followed in its entirety.

  23. Ministry to the Sick When Holy Communion is ministered to the sick, the Laying on of Hands or Anointing may follow the Absolution (section 28); the alternative Eucharistic Prayer for use with the sick (section 84) may be used; and the service may be shortened if the needs of the patient require it.

  24. A Service without Communion When there is no communion, the minister reads the service as far as the Absolution (section 28), and then adds the Lord's Prayer, the General Thanksgiving, and/or other prayers (see section 86) at his discretion, ending with the Grace. When such a service is led by a deacon or lay person, `us' is said instead of `you' in the Absolution.