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Long and narrow Eucharist Booklets from a vertically folded A4 sheet.
These do not fall off the narrow hymn book shelf of traditional pews.
This range of booklets was crafted using Microsoft Publisher.
Ordinary Time
A Longbook for Ordinary time with no Eucharistic prayer printed in full. Primarily for Eucharistic Prayers B, C and E, but may be used with Eucharistic Prayers F and A.
These files are up to 500K - even the ZIP. Be patient if you do not have broadband.
Time A
A Longbook for use in ordinary time with Eucharistic Prayer A. This is a more conservative text than the rest of the family, with Collect for Purity and Humble access; with "Yours Lord" at the Offertory and a main title:
Holy Communion - Common Worship - Order One
These files are up to 500K - even the ZIP. Be patient if you do not have broadband.
Time B
A Longbook for use in ordinary time with Eucharistic Prayer B
These files are up to 500K - even the ZIP. Be patient if you do not have broadband.
Time E
A Longbook for use in ordinary time with Eucharistic Prayer E
These files are up to 500K - even the ZIP. Be patient if you do not have broadband.
The Baptism of Children at the Eucharist
A single sheet of A4 folded for use with any Longbook. This item is best printed on card.
This is the Normative Rite
Be patient if you do not have broadband.
The Baptism of Children at a separate service
A single sheet of A4 folded. A stand alone service. This text incorporates variations from ASB 1980 This item is best printed on card.
Be patient if you do not have broadband.
The Baptism of Children at the Eucharist or at a separate service
or as a separate service. This text incorporates variations from ASB 1980, and reorganises the elements of the rite. This item is best printed on card.
Be patient if you do not have broadband.
Ash Wednesday
A Longbook for Ash Wednesday with full Penitential Rite. Common Worship Order One with seasonal material from "Times and Seasons" which is yet to be authorised. It is available this year for experimental use in all Churches as it awaits Synod approval.
These files are up to 500K - even the ZIP. Be patient if you do not have broadband.
A general Eucharistic Booklet for use in Lent.
Common Worship Order One.
These files are up to 500K - even the ZIP. Be patient if you do not have broadband.
Palm Sunday
The Palm Sunday material is not suited to Longbook format.
Look on the Labarum Booklets page for resources.
Maundy Thursday
The Eucharist of the Last Supper
These files are up to 500K - even the ZIP. Be patient if you do not have broadband.
Good Friday
The Good Friday material is not suited to Longbook format.
Look on the Labarum Booklets page for resources.
A Longbook for use in Eastertide with Eucharistic Prayer A and seasonal propers. Includes a very simple blessing and lighting of the Paschal Candle on the inside cover for use at the main service on Easter day. On the back cover the Eastertide Renewal of baptismal vows is offered as an alternative to the Creed.
These files are up to 500K - even the ZIP. Be patient if you do not have broadband.
An intercession from the draft "Times and Seasons" (modified responses)
Intercession in Eastertide RTF
This is a borrowed style from Christ Church Eastbourne.
With special thanks to their webmaster.
His originals may be seen here:
Longbooks for use in Ordinary Time.
These books all display the same text as the first book on this page, but explore a variety of serif typefaces. Print the same pair of pages from the Acrobat Reader for a detailed comparison.
Ferial Booklet in Perpetua
This font by Eric Gill (more accurately this typeface) is by the same author as the Gill Sans used in Common worship. It is a small typeface, so the point size has been increased by half a point to 10.5pt over the Gill Sans version. A spacious layout, but some will have difficulty reading it.
For a comparison of Gill Sans and Perpetua look here
A general Eucharistic Booklet for use in ordinary time.
Common Worship Order One.
Be patient if you do not have broadband.
Ferial Booklet in Garamond
Garamond is a well known serif font, and is a little bigger than Perpetua. A pleasant style.
A general Eucharistic Booklet for use in ordinary time.
Common Worship Order One.
Be patient if you do not have broadband.
Ferial Booklet in Goudy Old Style
Goudy Old is another well known serif typeface. It displays a little bigger than Garamond at a given point size. Pleasant and usable.
A general Eucharistic Booklet for use in ordinary time.
Common Worship Order One.
Be patient if you do not have broadband.
Ferial Booklet in Times New Roman
Times New Roman is a large but horizontally compact typeface. It is remarkably legible even at 10.5 points, and must remain a strong option.
A general Eucharistic Booklet for use in ordinary time.
Common Worship Order One.
Be patient if you do not have broadband.
Ferial Booklet in a larger Perpetua version
Here the base font size has been increased to 12.5 point, and the line spacing reduced to 0.9. The title and rubric fonts have similarly been increased. This places great strain on the style, the layout, and the available space. Compared to simplicity of the original style every page has had to be hand crafted to make it fit. Many empty lines have been removed and 4, 5 or 6 points added to the previous line to compact the layout where needed. This scaling produces a font as tall as Times Roman, but the letters are usually wider. In a narrow booklet there have had to be compromises over line breaks. This booklet, however, is very readable in an attractive typeface.
A general Eucharistic Booklet for use in ordinary time..
Common Worship Order One.
Be patient if you do not have broadband.
More Longbooks
These books are from The Chase Benefice in Oxford Diocese.
They are "Short Longbooks" A4 sheets are used in portrait orientation with a vertical fold, and cut to A5 length. Here are the PDF files which I post as an example of good practice, and another usable style.
Ordinary Time
These files are all under 200K each. The Publisher Files may be obtained from booklets at abreys dot com
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